일반세미나20200522 Synthetic Data Augmentation Effects in Human Activity Recognition
일시: 2020.05.22. 10:30-12:00
장소: 국제협력관 제2회의실
발표자: 황호철 인턴연구원
주제: Synthetic Data Augmentation Effects in Human Activity Recognition
개요: Introduce the "Development of Human-care Robot Technology for Aging Society" project and report relevant progress.
일시: 2020.05.22. 10:30-12:00
장소: 국제협력관 제2회의실
발표자: 황호철 인턴연구원
주제: Synthetic Data Augmentation Effects in Human Activity Recognition
개요: Introduce the "Development of Human-care Robot Technology for Aging Society" project and report relevant progress.